Saturday, July 28, 2012
Freud Simon Pleasure Or Reality
National Pedagogical University
Faculty of Humanities
Project philosophy curriculum
Alfonso Camacho Jeison Bohorquez
For the present paper to refer to the works of Freud and Marcuse, titled: The Malaise of Culture and Eros and Civilization, that in order to make a critical analysis of our society.
Marcuse begins his work exposing the conception of man that can be inferred from the malaise of the culture of Freud. This [man] is both a condemnation of our civilization and, similarly, its strongest defense. "(...) Human history is the history of repression '(Marcuse, p 27). According to this culture must repress not only their social existence, but also biological. Culture is not only repressed parts of the human being but his instinctual structure itself. The same restriction is the essential precondition for progress. Instincts released to their natural targets would eventually do away with any kind of partnership and preservation. Eros is just as bad as the death instinct. For Marcuse, Eros draws its strength from the fact destructive aims "(...) very pleased that the culture can not allow: the benefit as such, as an end in itself, at any time" (Marcuse, p 27).
From the above we can infer here a few interesting things for our analysis. In my previous writing on Freud had shown as if it is true that Freud's conception hedonistic ethics. This has two characters: first a positive purpose that seeks to satisfy all needs and is directed by the pleasure principle, and a negative order seeks to prevent pain and discomfort. Similarly, Freud had shown to the first road was impossible so assumed the negative phase, ie, not seeking to satisfy all the instincts but to avoid pain and discomfort. From the individual's interaction with the environment was that the pleasure principle became the reality principle. Marcuse now we can propose another aspect of Freudian theory: the struggle between two instincts of eros side and on the other hand the death instinct. This allows us to say that man is a dialectical tension between two principles.
But the dialectic remains in many respects. For Marcuse both values and instincts changed dramatically in civilization, and see you go from:
Immediate satisfaction
Gozo (game)
Absence of repression
Satisfaction delayed
Restriction of pleasure
Fatigue (work)
And this marks the transformation for Freud the pleasure principle to the reality principle [1]. We have a dualistic conception of the human mind, mental processes governed by distinct and different principles. Their relationship is historical genetics. Primary mental processes, older, are a waste of individual development phase, which was the only thought process. This process was that we characterize as the proto-self or self complacent seeks only pleasure and, therefore, seeks to ward off unpleasure (pain), only this proto-self is in conflict with nature and the human environment "The individual comes to the traumatic realization that full and painless gratification of their needs is impossible." (Marcuse, p 29). That is why the pleasure principle has to be overcome and appropriate for a new mental process that no longer seeks immediate satisfaction but for all the instincts "(...) The pleasure delayed, restricted, but <>". Hence, Marcuse sees in the new thought process in an organized way of the ego that no longer seeks immediate pleasure, but unsafe, by the principle of reality that fits and enhances the pleasure principle, but, through the restriction.
The man released from his animal instincts are transformed into a rational being.
Here comes a concern to us are: Is there a mental process that is beyond the reality principle? The answer to this question is: fantasy. The fantasy is beyond the reality principle of preserving the structure of our mental ancient form. That is where even give free rein to the release of all our instincts and feel like made. Fantasize both in the course of our lives, so that this function can not be the least opposed to the principle of reality, however, outside the fantasy all our mental processes are governed by the reality principle.
Freud thus have a dialectical conception of the individual (ontogenesis) and society (phylogeny). This structure is reflected at both levels. A phylogenetic level is first given at the meeting of the primal horde. In this the parent becomes subject to power and forcing their children to the renunciation. Ontogenetic level is given in the individual in childhood when parents and other educators impose on the child the reality principle. In both plays the submission level. Father's regime was succeeded by his overthrow by the alliance of the brothers to take power and "(...) the clan of brothers develops as institutionalized social and political domination." (Marcuse, p 30), ie the beginning is institutionalized reality [2]. This also means that the principle of reality has to constantly imposing estarse this because they never fully overcomes the pleasure principle which lies subdued. A clear example is sexuality, rather than try to suppress culture [3], it is still evident and performing, though, that you try to subdue.
The objectives of the vanquished pleasure principle remain alive in the subconscious. This reminds us of the history of the first horde that dominates the original parent and submitted to their children, is the initiator "(...) of a chain of slavery, rebellion and reinforced domination which marks the history of civilization" (Marcuse, p31 ), hence Marcuse says: "(...) the individual without freedom introjects his masters and his commandments in their own mental apparatus." (Marcuse, p 31). The dynamics of the civilization that dominated keep their rulers. The repressed individual needs of its repressor [4].
[1] See Eros and Civilization, p 28. And my writing on Ethics and psychoanalysis.
[2] In conducting this analysis, I can think of several: Schools, hospitals, places of government, etc.. All individuals directed to undergo the reality principle and try to give free rein to their instincts.
[3] As in the medieval conception of chastity in the church.
[4] I'm thinking of a society like Colombia, I will not deny that we have here, we need to dominate and thus maintain and extend the power of our rulers, that enough has to be understood.
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