Monday, July 9, 2012

Seeing through the lies

It may sound like a gag from a secret agent television parody like the super 86 or an Austin Powers movie, but it is time the "Glasses Voice Analysis." And it's no laughing matter.

The device provides an analysis of lie detection in real time inside the glasses on whoever is speaking at the moment, says its manufacturer, the Israeli company Nemesysco, which developed technology for counterterrorism and government customers.

Theoretically then, may not be long before hearing the airport security staff ask, "Are you planning to hijack this plane?". And can tell immediately if a passenger is a terrorist by analyzing his answer to that question directly.

The technology, developed by mathematician Amir Lieberman at Nemesysco Zuran, Israel, for the army claims to insurers and law enforcement, is being repackaged and refocused to personal and corporate applications by V Entertainment (New York). Companies that use a wide range of applications such as counterterrorism, law enforcement, insurance and verification of workers' compensation are beginning to use software changes the glasses technology now available in downloadable PC program that can analyze live chat or by phone.

"We are actually developing two types of glasses - one for use in security and others for commercial use," Lieberman told ISRAEL21c. "A chip inside the glasses is able to read the frequency of the voice of the person you are talking about. The voice is analyzed through that chip with nine different types of voice analysis and there are lights indicating whether the person is lying. "

Lieberman says the glasses will be available in the United States in June at a price ranging between 500 and 1000 dollars.

V Entertainment presents a simple sunglasses equipped with the technology at the 2004 International CES in Las Vegas earlier this month. The system uses color-coded green, yellow and red to indicate "true", "maybe" or answer "false". In his counter CES, V Entertainment analyzed the voices of celebrities like Michael Jackson to determine whether they were lying.

"We are in the process of deciding whether to offer a single type of glasses - that go out of style or develop a kit that connects to almost any pair of glasses," said Lieberman.

But for security professionals, more important than fashion is how Lieberman's breakthrough technology can change the security checks. The Gatekeeper Security of V, the GK-1, uses LVA technology to provide an easy to use to analyze people through security checks in less than 30 seconds.

Gatekeeper (the doorman) uses the answers to five questions "yes" or "no" pre written to provide real-time analysis and signal "Green" to clear, or "Red" to the need for additional questions.

At an airport or other secure facility, LVA provides accurate and impartial means to quantify the risk, avoiding both signed as wasted resources involved in a random analysis.

"The truth has a certain parameter, and we have a 98 percent accuracy in determining what," said Richard Parton, CEO of V, told Newsweek. In contrast to previous analysis of voice - tone, which simply monitored voice frequencies, the software "voice analysis in layers" of the company analyzes 129 aspects of sound.

The heart of the security-oriented technology is Nemesysco signal processing engine which is said to use more than 8,000 algorithms each time it analyzes an incoming voice waveform. In this way detects levels of various emotional states simultaneously from the rhythm and speed of the voice.

The version for compliance with the law caught up about 70 percent accuracy in laboratory trials, according to V Entertainment, and achieve better than 90 percent real criminal subjects at a beta test in the laboratories of the Air Force United States at Rome.

"Work outside the frequency range of vocal patterns," Parton told the EE Times. This is very different from most common polygraph, which measures changes in the body, such as heart rate.

With Nemesysco technology, the person who asks questions can, for example, to measure his "level of thinking" - how much it costs you an answer. The later, most likely not true.

The software measures emotional stress and "SOS level," which says what resistance is someone playing a song. To measure sexual excitement. Speak into a microphone connected to a laptop, and the software does work immediately. Different quadrants on the screen pass and examines the various aspects of your voice. At the same time, the software highlights the conclusions in the top of the screen while speaking.

Multi-Layer Analysis of Voice (LVA) of Nemesysco measures 18 parameters of speech in real time for interrogation at the police, military or intelligence services. According to Nemesysco, its accuracy as a lie detector has proven to be less important than its ability to rule out interrogations in which there are problems with the alibi of the subject quickly. The officers can act much more quickly than with traditional interrogation techniques.

Already in use by some American agencies of law enforcement, the new software is being considered for approval. Police Chief Waupun Wisconsin, Tom Winscher LVA is using the technology of V.

"The use of this technology in criminal investigations is amazing," said Winscher to Winscher has about 31 years of experience in law enforcement, including 25 years teaching interrogation techniques and other technologies for voice analysis. "You can analyze not only talks" live ", but you can do a thorough analysis of the interview, or make off-line analysis of recorded conversations. This allows the body of law focus on areas that require further investigation, saving much time. "

In another commercial application, the British financial firm HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland) is testing to see if discarded LVA technology to customers who make fraudulent claims to the insurer.

LVA technology measures voice with a range of parameters including deception, excitement, stress, mental effort, concentration, hesitation, anger, love and lust. Works with recordings, telephone or live, the company said. V Entertainment recommends it to monitor phone calls in an investigation, checking the veracity of the people with whom you deal or gauging romantic interest.

The screen can display each parameter measured in a separate window with tracks in real-time instantaneous measurements while highlighting the actual outcome of each parameter, as "false probable," "high voltage" or "SOS".

Besides lie detection, Dave Watson, the chief operating officer of V said the technology "can also measure other emotions such as anxiety, fear or even love." Indeed V Entertainment offers the software "love detector" for PocketPC that can be attached to a telephone line or run tapes.

Instead of colored LEDs, a bar graph on the screen indicates how "loves" the person you called. V Entertainment says that the Love Detector company has shown a 96 percent reliability. Ultimately, the company plans to offer versions of its detectors foot mobile phones, dating services, education scholarships, toys and games.

Parton says he is about to close a deal with American citizens in a state that seeks to detect claims for workers' compensation fraud. It also has other ideas. "Someday I'll phone for older people," he says. "When people try to defraud you, cut the call."

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