Friday, August 17, 2012

Search and PPC - The vote of confidence in Google

I read an interesting newsletter this afternoon from Google AdWords Expert Perry Marshall. The article, which revolves around the quality of Google and the Google practice "strange" not to publish any ad old, or allowing any keyterm old - is not actually devouring every dollar advertisers has been tackled:

Sometimes people get angry with Google cuz 'that will not just take their money and run ads they write. Worse yet, you will not even tell you why. Infuriating, is not it? Dave Bullock explains why, in this way:

"People should think of Google as their first customer. People searching on Google, because I trust. Your advertising on their search engine is a match, and you are borrowing their identity."

The fact that the whole world trusts Google - and the true meaning and because of that trust - is a little 'overlooked in all the hoopla for their success Juggernaut.

People talk about values ​​and formulas to the stars photos Google Page Rank and the birth of the baby lab project at Stanford, and geek culture and the 5-star meals in the canteen employees.

But not too many people really ask, because the world trust Google? When someone wants to know something, because it is the first place they think of looking, Google? Because Google is a verb? Because Google is the most accurate available representation of what humans consider important and valuable Internet.

Google is not just a list of information, a vast resource of knowledge, is "the most accurate available represenatation of what humans consider important and valuable on the Internet," and list your business - either organic or paid is an extraordinary quality and branding boost. In past generations people turned to the yellow pages for the same vote of confidence, even without the algorithims complicated. The more you paid the bigger your ad. The nearer the beginning of the alphabet your name higher up your ad. A listing in the local yellow pages meant a legitimate business locally. But, since we moved in a digital age, with the new global yellow pages - search engines. It is no longer the ranking of your website, business, or to list your name and based solely on the amount you are willing to pay, but now are based on quality - a fact that many people may not know, a fact the public can not know, a fact that you may not know, but it is a fact all have inevitably realized through their use and online searching. Your company name in the search engine is an immediate - vote of confidence in your service (no matter what your business or your services as a targeted local or wide) - and global.

Where are you in search engines? ......

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