Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Financial Globalization. The Ogre Monetary

Financial globalization. The ogre is getting the money you have other protection antifaz.No to obtain financial freedom and economic independence.

Clubprivadodeinversion.com provides a way out of this financial globalization

The term financial globalization, seeks to characterize and define the massive and uncontrolled growth of monetary and financial operations spurious, illegitimate that operations are based on the center of Wall Street and spread on a global level the belief in neoliberal net a set of first-world nations, they could spend without limits, without saving a penny and without producing nothing but debt.

This unwholesome degradatorio process, as we have seen earlier began in 1970 when Mr. Nixon, with no itching or consideration, in one fell swoop definitely settles the dollar's convertibility into gold, annulling all the economic and legal limitations issue had Dollar currency uncontrolled, is coming to an end.

This shift in economic paradigm subverts the concept of authentic wealth, changing the concept of profitability and positive was the production of goods and services for society as a whole, subverts the notion of the creation of social goods not contaminated by finance without support productive bastardeo historic and very beneficial economic investment that creates jobs, not who destroys them, which promotes trade and private direct investment and international, not the national economies drowns opportunistic investments.

This facet of globalization, the global financial economy is coming to an end, income strongly in the process of "death foretold", with a full orchestra and final in its last stages, prior to the expiration gasps Eventually, the face that shows is brutal, inhumane and dangerous.

The "financial globalization", as known in some circles, it is actually an aspect of the alignment of the global order, which starts at the very beginning of the integration of world economy in the late fifteenth century sponsored by the mastery of technique that promoted overseas trips which resulted in the colonization process.

The new financial expression is concrete, is the perfect synthesis and the source and the end of modern circumstances by which their abnormal growth, an oversized and extravagant growth, change and demanded as a condition put in a market integration at global market that never sleeps and never stops.

The following indicators will allow us to quantify the extent and severity of damage caused by financial globalization:

Currently, global financial assets (including capitalization of stock markets, but the entire public debt, the bonds of financial institutions and the real economy companies, loans (insured and uninsured), and finally all this mass of money today than the $ S210 billion and represent about four times the GDP of the world economy. Thirty years ago, in early 1980, global financial assets were no more than u $ s12 billion, a figure that was equivalent to the GDP of the time. From 1977 to 2010, the daily amount of foreign exchange transactions (FX) worldwide increased 237 times to 7 times the global GDP over the same period. About 90% of all operations corresponds to the carry trade or technical euphemism said no, 90% of all transactions under international movements, belonging to speculative financial funds, and these funds are involved or get in interest rates and stock prices between of all the places that make up the global financial system.

In the early 80's, the dividends of the global financial sector accounted for 25% of all corporate profits.

The enthronement of the system financieroEste system of world domination, led to the formation processes of public and private debt absolutely unenforceable, focused currently highly vulnerable countries (eg Greece, Ireland and other European Union members), and the sector private contagion spreads its fast-growing sectors relative and hyper-permeable vulnerable to financial pressures (basically speak the real estate sector) and other over-leveraged, pushed, or rather, fictitious or artificially stimulated.

Only in the United States, family debts, basically (mortgages and personal loans home equity), adding the debts of the business and financial sector, and with reference to its GDP, grew by over 50% in the early 1940, but in 2007 with the first sub-prime crisis, was near 300%.

Public debt increased in several countries to absurd levels. Between 2007 and 2010, installed massive intervention by Mr. Obama to rescue the system from its recent crisis led to an increase of almost 50% of U.S. public debt which is currently 103% of GDP.

In the euro area the increase was 30% and public debt / GDP is 85%. As evidenced by the numbers, we are not far removed from all this mess.

In real estate, as in the United States, mainly in Spain, uncontrolled leverage investment in this sector, led to huge bubbles of course, with the subsequent collapse of values ​​and the inability of debtors to pay homeownership, also added to the bankruptcy of companies organize construction, these bubbles explode at miserably.

financial globalization

In an article published earlier this year by the newspaper El Mundo, in a special 'Markets' dedicated to the anniversary of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers financial institution, the sub-prime, says that "the financial crisis has taught many lessons about excessive leverage and asymmetric compensation schemes. " However, he concludes, "the most important lessons has been that policies that encourage speculation at the expense of productive economic activity, is shown, that always end badly."

The desperate search for immediate profit, greed, usury, speculation and uncontrolled unnatural and forced relocation of the codes in the world of money around the social mosaic, infect the behavior of social groups, relegating important social interests a menial.

Greed, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Hieronymus Bosch

On the other hand large sections of the population have investments in financial markets such as pension funds or life insurance. This not only threatens the social insurance of the unprotected and vulnerable classes but in this way, and even forcibly identify their interests with the operators of financial speculation and usury.

The contamination includes the management of companies in the real economy, which glorify privilege and short-term yields, profits and ethically immediate border on the genuine legitimate profit growth.

This change brings value for the immediate distribution of dividends, unthinkable and obscene salaries paid to directors and senior managers of corporations to which they are given more attention than the reinvestment of profits and the institutional strengthening of the company .

Aftermath pollution comparable to genuine production companies by the values ​​of the world of money have the buying of companies by equity firms leveraged financial credits spurious. The alterations produced by changes in ownership, generally result in a reduction of employment, loss of social benefits of historic workers and insecurity in the ordinary course of business. Furthermore, due to artificially induced housing bubbles, historical production companies immediately threatened their land and properties, which are generally disposed of for purposes of satisfying real estate projects. This phenomenon takes place immediately upon change of ownership resulting in the dismemberment and reduction of the company.

In summary, the formidable financial game infects the whole socio-economic system and decreases the growth of output and employment. This affects the financial globalization.

The administrations of the central countries are reluctant to admit the true extent of the disease because they are themselves caught in the maelstrom financial. Therefore, they are also victims of the eddy.

We need a radical change of strategy, which, if not come by the clarity of the political leaders, the aftermath will surely come to expect from the aggravation of social tensions. Core countries should immediately emancipate their economic policy should put national interests first that the interests of financial markets.

Clubprivadodeinversion.com offers a solution to this situation, we are aware of the circumstances that threaten the real economy, the genuine and have the tools, the tools to counter these dangers, we want to share with you to achieve in the shortest time possible economic independence and financial freedom, the only corrective to get out of this economic dilemma and not be so affected by financial globalization

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