Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who Is The Tata Group?

Many interested in the behavior of business, the scope, impact that can generate a consolidated group in the world, such as the Tata Group. Group has been growing, conquering mercadosy that for those interested in these issues are a real case study

It is known that Tata Group is an Indian industrial conglomerate founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1860. In India, Tata is one of the most respected business groups and old. Its presence extends to Asia, Europe, America and? Africa.

It's very interesting what you said that co115w.col115.mail., When one thinks of India quickly associated words such as "meditation? "Inequality? "Hinduism? and others. However, India is a country that offers trips to meditate, reflect and perhaps find oneself. However, in recent years has emerged from the global anonymity (because it was well known in India) a powerful business group from 100% Indian. We are talking to Tata Group, which has become an industrial giant Indian who is making steady progress in extranjero.Y how is this happened? It all started back in 1868 when Jamsetji Tata decided to create the company that now bears his name, many have that all was because at the time, he of Indian origin was prevented from entering the most luxurious hotel in Bombay. Remember that at that time, the British were colonizing India. So it was that Jamsetji Tata founded in 1902 the luxurious Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai where the Indians could enter freely. TATA group currently owns the hotel chain Taj Hotels, hotels located in various parts of the world and more and more increase revenues TATA group.

The group was founded to build and grow key businesses in various sectors of the economy of his country. Tata Group will now accounts for more than 3% of India's GDP and consists of one hundred companies. Until last year, the group conducted a TATA Group annual turnover of U.S. $ 17,500 million, and employed 222,000 people. We can name some items belonging to companies such as TATA Group: textile, chemical, energy, air transport, metallurgist, consumer goods, food, financial, fertilizers, publishing, steel, automotive, among others. The Tata Group comprises a total of 96 companies operating in 96 countries around the world and exports nearly 120 countries.

The Tata Group comprises 98 companies operating in seven sectors:

Communications and Information Systems Services Engineering Materials Chemicals Consumer Products Energy.

The group annual turnover of about U.S. $ 18,000 billion per year, equivalent to 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) of India.

Its businesses include:

TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), the largest software and services in Asia Tata Tea, the largest producer of tea in the world Tata Steel, the second largest steel producer in India, Tata Motors, the leader in sales of heavy vehicles in India and vehicles. Indian Hotels, Hotel and tourism division of the group.

Tata group has now come to the fore and as pointed out by Fernando Del Corro, today we speak of Naval Rattan Tata, head of the powerful industrial conglomerate, hotel and others, known as the Tata Group. Rattan Tata, born in the very Mumbai, India's financial capital, and the next 28 meet 71 years this December, among other things was the creator of the world's cheapest car, Nano model, the Tata brand. In 2005 he was honored by Forbes magazine as the most prominent Asian businessman and in 2000 was decorated by the government of his country, in times of right Atal Bihari Vajpayee. After touring American universities as Cornell and Harvard to work in newly joined the household in 1962 and in 1992 took over the leadership of it. His name appeared in the media when a pro-Pakistani explosives detonated and burned the great Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, the emblem of the business group at a cost of 183 lives, including 15 employees. There was present in half of the recovery process of the same police to announce a multibillion-dollar reconstruction of this architectural gem.

No less than 100 million U.S. dollars.

Although to a lesser extent the Tata name appeared in the media last week when the group announced the closure of three days of its auto plant in Pune, a city in Maharashtra state, whose capital is Mumbai. An almost insignificant in the context of the global crisis of the productive sector when compared with the virtual bankrupt U.S. giant General Motors or the problems of other companies in the so-called First World. In what year was Tata had announced investments by u $ s 3,800 million in automotive production of which 1,500 million are earmarked for development of the Pune plant (investment now paralyzed) and production of the Nano, costing the public s is $ 2,500, and another 2,300 million to acquire the UK's flagship factories Land Rover and Jaguar.

The Tata Group, manages an annual turnover of around u $ s 22,000 million, representing 3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India. In addition, Indian Hotels chain, whose flag is the Taj Mahal in Mumbai, and Tata Motors, India's leading automaker, the Group is the largest producer of tea in the world through Tata Tea, also owns the leading Asian computer services, Tata Consultancy Services, and the Tata Steel is the second largest producer of steel in India and one of the first in the world. In the latter, due to the recession, laid off this year several hundred workers at its plant in tin in Wales, United Kingdom. The Group maintains cultural matters Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai and as curiosity is noted that in the last 75 years none of their business has suffered strikes, while anti-corruption policy is known to severely punish those who dare to ask for commissions.

L Add xornalgalicia.es the Indian business group intends to build a macropuerto with the growing area of ​​one of the most endangered sea turtles planet

The powerful Tata group, known worldwide for the Tata Nano, the world's cheapest car, is the main promoter of a macropuerto of Dhamra, located five kilometers from the Bhitarkanika National Park and 15 from Gahirmatha marine sanctuary. Although the general secretary of the group, Ratan Tata, has said that the current location would reconsider if there is evidence of the environmental value of the area, the project continues. Greenpeace has spent years denouncing the project with the construction plan dates back to 1997, as the present site would affect the nesting beaches of olive sea turtle, found in grave danger of extinction. Surprisingly, this space has been purposely excluded from protection to facilitate the development of the port. "There is ample evidence that the current port location affect the beaches where these turtles lay their eggs, so that the Tata Group has a great opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the environment is real," said Pilar Marcos responsible campaign of 90,000 GreenpeaceMás Coast cyberactivists Greenpeace urged the secretary general of the Tata Group, Ratan Tata, to reconsider its position and seek another site in an area with less environmental impact.

"Both scientists, NGOs, fishermen of the area as international institutions are against the project and nearly a hundred thousand Indians, most clients of this powerful business group, Mr. Tata are claiming that economic interests do not make the social and environment, "concluded Marcos.Greenpeace Spain joins the global campaign to collect signatures to ask Tata to reconsider its position

It is said that the Tata Group's philosophy goes beyond making money, Just like your home, which currently leads Tata is not the maximization of profits. Its management is based on the four ends of Hinduism: kama (love), arhta (labor and business), drama (sense of duty) and moksha (liberation from suffering and ignorance). That translates into a business management about the integrity, knowledge, quality, unity and responsibility. This philosophy explains why two-thirds of the capital of the holding company are held by three family foundations that spend all their profits to charity to help more desfavorecidosEs why throughout India many people on the street says "As United States of America has Bill Gates in India we have to Ratan Tata.


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