Thursday, September 6, 2012

What happens after the fire alarm set off? - A Blow by Blow of the action of View

And 'mid-afternoon and up to now, everything is going to - okay in the office. But unconsciously, an overworked computer gives a spark and ignites the curtains close. No one was able to see the flame until it got so big and the sound of alarms.

As a result, everyone gets up quickly. The panic is in the air and everything is in fast forward mode until you see yourself to be taken out from the crowd towards the exit or the place designated considered "safe" from the sergeant.

Yes, things can happen that fast, but you realize that after your alarm triggers, there are many things that happen later? And the fire marshal is usually designated the center of the action. So if you want to know what happens as you make your way out of the palace, is here, this time in slow motion.

o After the alarm triggers, fire doors, armed with Dorgard opens automatically exits to allow everyone to pass safely.

or at the same time, the fire marshal designated check if the fire is something you can put with the use of a blanket or a fire extinguisher that is readily available. If he can not, we warn all the station via a telephone of the situation and asks for help.

Oh, then you are working on getting everyone out of the building following the arrows pointed in the fire exit signs that are scattered around the building. Since most of his co - workers go on, remains a few steps behind as he checks in every room for people who may need extra help.

or exit, he remained with the group to guide them to a safe place, where everyone can be expected that firefighters are putting out the fire.

o After a few minutes, the authorities come to handle the situation professionally.

You think it is? Not really. After fast-forwarding out of the trance, the action continues for the marshal. Here's what happens next ...

o Once the fire was announced, the marshal, goes into the first building to see how much damage your office acquired. Depending on its assessment, which may or may not call everyone back to occupy the building.

Ø Coordinate then fire with the police to give them the information they need. This helps the police put the appropriate data in their report.

Are you coming or the next day, when you go with your regular office work, Marshall refers to his boss or the owner of the building to realize what has happened during the fire and what were the damages incurred.

It 'right action rather interesting? What is more surprising is that the first part of it occurs in a few minutes, fast enough for everyone to miss. Sure enough after knowing this will not be at your Marshal same way again .......

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