Thursday, August 23, 2012

eBay success and popularity

eBay is the most powerful online market these days. Many of us would wonder how eBay has become a giant in terms of Internet revenues. Of course, every successful company has its humble origins. Let's look at how eBay has made its way to the top.

It all started in the living room Pierre Omidyars where eBays first office was established. Omidyar, who has a French-Iranian descent, came to America and finished a degree in Computer Science. He wanted to become a computer programmer Macintosh, but luck has made him trod along a different path. In its effort to create an online venue for person to person auction of collectibles, Omidyar built the site called AuctionWeb.

Auction Web began as a part of the broader Omidyars personal website that talks about the Ebola virus. AuctionWeb was just a simple prototype, with Omidyar as an individual. At that time, Omidyar was working for General Magic, a mobile communications companies.

The number of people visiting the auction site Omidyars became more and more every day. He collected a small fee on each sale, and used the revenue to expand the site resourceful. He never imagined that his business will grow into a major online auction site.

In 1996, Omidyar and his partner Jeffrey Skoll thought AuctionWeb renaming. Their first choice of company name was Echo Bay Technology Group, but the domain was already registered to someone else. So even if cutting it short eBay was already home to 800,000 sales in one day in the summer of 1998. By the end of the year, Omidyar already earned $ 3 billion worth of personal interest in the company.

With the help of Meg Whitman, a Harvard graduate with rich experience in brand-building and management company, eBay has established a large community of individuals and small-scale business from different parts of the world. eBay is not just about getting the goods sold. The site aims to promote confidence between and among its users, this is the main business objective of eBay.

Yet, despite the fact that eBay has helped millions of people who sell their wares with a few tweaks and a few clicks, the company never strays far from its goal of building trust between and among its users from all over the world. eBays priority is not only convince people to sell or buy products and services. The company's main interest is to build an online community where all sellers and buyers can take advantage of what they have .......

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