Friday, August 10, 2012

Notes on Consumption

In developed countries where people have access to countless offers the widest range imaginable, where the only limitation is the income level of the individual or his family, there is growing concern for trying to guide people to may order their finances and thus balance its frantic pace of spending on the income they earn.

The company generally takes care of his credit because, without it, literally disappear all opportunities that are offered daily for those who fall within the definition of good payers.

The starkness of this reality tells us that if a person has no credit, drive more effective than simply not exist, the absence in the records of credit controllers and not having experience in such matters prevents them from access to the system so that the person may only move within the limitations of its purchasing power in cash, will not have any alternative under any circumstances.

That for a high-consumption society is a reason enough for you to look, by all means, keep a reliable credit behavior.

However, given the growing temptation of offers truly amazing, it is very common to live on the edge of the knife, the edge, contracted payment obligations can not be met on schedule for repayment, resulting in high additional costs by way of interests and the consequent restrictions on the realization of new loans in the future, which if obtained, will be at a disadvantage compared to those obtained previously.

This situation has led to create real crisis of relationship in the family unit, one of the leading causes of rupture of these bonds.

Excess consumption is considered a real pest and permanent source of attention by the authorities of government and social actors and preachers of all religions.

A developed society is consumer-oriented design point of no other means of subsistence consumer society preaches the concept of man standing, self-confident, able to produce goods and services that will result in higher revenues, revenues that will turn back to the market through offers for consumer goods, life insurance, investment, leisure, etc.. and so on.

If these companies exist that economists and our media swarm underdeveloped touting the contraction of consumption, to generate resources for the payment of external debt and meet the needs of the state, would be treated not only ignorant, but they would say: Gentlemen man must be standing, confident in itself, capable of producing goods and services, to obtain a decent income and rewarding which will dump back into the market, that is the source of investment, invention, there are niche which satisfy the market has given rhythm to the creativity of entrepreneurs and the media, the man is able to consume the lives of the entire system.

The person without work and without a living wage is a miserable, a slave, a madman with a more sinister enchalecado of straitjackets, economic vest, imposed by the popes of the system, who are led by those who live outside the cave, the creators of the economic Bible for use in countries that should be maintained at all costs subject and dependent.

No wonder they fall away when we talk about these things, we are not allowed out of the script, saying that the economic policy and fiscal, are tools that must be subordinated to social policy, for them is heresy, but again reaffirm, economics is a social science, its principles are closely related to the rest of the social sciences, its raison d'etre is the society in which it is inserted, the success of implementation is measured in quality of life of the inhabitants of that society, when its results are regarded favorably by other lares, we will know for sure who they represent and serve.

As can be seen there is a marked difference between the economic and social policies applied in the developed world and the measures to be implemented in our environment, underdevelopment associated differences subordination and dependency.

Meditate on these issues will help us understand the very high social cost borne by countries that suffer the economic vests recipes, recipes that are designed to implement in the developing world but are unacceptable and unworkable in the developed world, why is that? .

W. Arostegui

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