Saturday, August 11, 2012

Using Forums To Network Successfully

According to one of the items found in the definition of the word network is as follows: Something resembling an openwork fabric or structure in form or concept, especially: a large group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.

The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary gives the following definition for networking: the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups or institutions.

Networking for success occurs when the exchange of information or services is between people with similar interests or concerns. Maintaining the network of connections provides networking opportunities when you have new information to share with others in this group of individuals.

I recently decided to put a theory to prove that one of the best ways to develop network relationships was through the use of online forums. My target was the reply forums aimed at people involved in affiliate programs, network marketing or internet marketing of some sort. I wanted to see who would respond if someone and see how much of an answer that I had.

I used a piece of software that has both a browser and a way of looking at their posts on the forum for answers. In addition to seeing how people would respond to my questions another goal is to get my self-known among the community forum. Nobody wants to do business with a stranger.

Here's something I discovered. The forum small groups like that are part of Delphi Forums and Ezboards have a few places and when someone posts, the posts are mainly in-kind advertising. I would suggest that you are wasting your time if you post in these forums. It 's all a waste of time posting to forums? Absolutely not, because there is much value in it, as will be seen from what I write next.

I decided to go to some forum of well-known websites or well known internet marketing and sending there. When creating an account I created a signature file so that in every post I made my URL would be shown. I was careful for the most part to ask questions or give answers. Never once did I post what could be seen as an ad. And guess what 'the result was.

In the settings of the forum in which I was allowed the choice set so that I emailed when I had an answer. I was very happy to receive e-mail announcing that people had not responded to my post number one, but many of these professional forums.

Message I sent to all had to deal with a topic that interests me and that affiliate and network marketing on the Internet. The respondents were very knowledgeable and helpful and I hope that in situations where I answered the question of someone (s) that my answer (s) have been helpful to them.

What my experience in the test forum? For the fact that I shared the information with people interested in the same topics as me and who have shared their information with me it was demonstrated that the forums are a very important part of networking on the Internet.

In researching to write this article I found an incredible online tool, basically a site that keeps track of all messages in e-commerce sites. It is Mike also has a page for viewing marketing messages in the forums discussing internet marketing and search engines. The link for this is Although this tool is not looking for replies to your post you can keep track of what discussions are taking place in these forum. Then, if you have questions about particular topics or replies to the question of someone you can jump in that forum and network with people in that forum .......

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