Sunday, August 5, 2012

Be Teaching in the XXI Century

The incorporation of new technologies as teaching aids is accompanied by teaching these both as knowledge in themselves, such as tools.

However, fit, and his colleagues (1997), mentioned that the introduction of any information technology and communication in the educational context necessarily involves both the teacher has favorable attitudes toward them, as appropriate training for incorporation into their practice. In the process of teacher training in ICT, teachers can assume the positions:

1. Those new technologies give magical power and believe that their only use can transform teaching and learning, creating a relationship that does not blind them to develop mechanisms critical of the media-Technophilia - and thus create a certain dependence on the machine.

2. Those who do not use technology because they believe are guilty of almost all the problems that affect society. This type of teaching as a manifestation of resistance to change, often emphatically reject the use of new technologies - Technophobia -.

3. Also found in the category-Technophobia-teachers who find it difficult to use, and those who fear and sorrow to receive training because they are considered unable or embarrassed in front of their students or young teachers who have developed those skills and abilities to its use.

4. Teachers who use the technologies and make the best out of them, making a permanent critique of their strengths and weaknesses - -. Critique Ie those who recognize the need for linkage to education and assume the role of agents of change in accordance with the requirements and expectations of the classroom and the institution itself.

Given this dynamic, the education system has a major challenge. Itself must be questioned, to rethink its principles and objectives, teaching methods and reinvent their organizational systems. You have to rethink the concept of pupil - teacher and the very process of learning curricular content and critically review the mental models that have inspired the development of education systems. (Cardona, 2000).

Therefore, the research suggests that there are two key areas to which attention is on the one hand, conducting teacher training courses and on the other, the introduction of the figure of consultant or educational psychologist.

Regarding the first aspect, Quintana and Tejeda (1995) propose a structured around the following axes for which you must turn all initial teacher training in new technologies:

1. A scientific and cultural training in the context of ICT. 2. Didactic training, methodological and own resources of ICT. 3. Training in the implications of ICT in teaching and learning processes and general of these technologies themselves. 4. A knowledge of the curriculum of all educational levels in areas which will work as well as crosscutting and its relationship with ICT 5. Competition in the creation of learning activities that incorporate the use of ICT. 6. A reflection on the uses of media in education and its relationship to curriculum models and methodological approaches. 7. The development of attitudes of reflection on practice and on the activity as a teacher / a.

With regard to the figure of consultant psycho, all studies indicate that this is a new figure that should put a dent in multimedia learning environments. However, since there are projects that have been introduced this professional in the field of lifelong learning. Then two of them are named, conducted at the University of Lleida and Salamanca, respectively.


Jenny Hernandez War

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