Sunday, August 5, 2012

Positive Thinking, How to use?

There is a huge power within you. How aware are you of that? If you already know, then you must learn to use it every day as best as possible, if not already know, then you know that you are missing something that can change your life and those around you in a radical way. This is the power of positive thinking. If we think, in fact, through history, man has always sought happiness and welfare, otherwise we could not explain all the development and progress has been made we have always tried to go forward . However, there came a time when, due largely to scientific interests, began to put much more emphasis on the negative than the positive, that is, began to emphasize the chaos, tragedy, depression, and finally , all that overshadowed many of the positive aspects that surround us. Fortunately, this is turning again, and positive thinking and power are starting to move again for some areas. Most often we tend to undermine the power of our minds, we often forget that this is the one who handles our body and not vice versa.

The truth is that we are what our mind wants us to be Do you feel you're a loser or loser? For all that happens is that you are scheduled (a) for that. Alone are the reflection of your thought, and, of course, it has such power that can make you a perfectly happy or successful person or a sad, unhappy and mediocre.

It's about changing our inner speech. Forget your classic phrases of regret and justification, replace them with sentences optimists, who are full of gratitude and positive energy. What do you want to do? What do you want to be? Think about it and visualize ARE YOU WHAT YOU WANT? If not, there are definitely reasons, identifies these reasons, analyze them calmly and surely you will notice they all have a solution, just a matter of you look on the bright side of it. You have two options: find the most easy to solve and start with them and concentrate only on the difficult and getting stuck in a morass of difficulties and negativity. It is proven, all have at least two angles, why look at only the negative? Let's see, there are phrases that you record yourself and repeat the whole time to enter the field of positive thinking: I WANT, I CAN AND I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO SO, to any goal, before any adversity, in any event, you have to to program yourself, whatever that is, exceed it. If you are scheduled to address the problems and give your best in every situation, it means you have programmed your positive thinking, and are using their power.

The power of positive thinking means that your actions are geared toward success. I give you the following questions: Am I satisfied (A) WITH MY LIFE? HAVE I managed to do what you want? A? Am I a lucky person? If you have more of a no answer, most likely your negative paradigms do not have let it go. Well, do not grieve, stop whining and get to work. You want to do now? You can start with the following: Start to dismiss radical ideas, those that make you see things from one perspective Stop generalizing and begins to focus on the specifics. Not everything is equal, if once went wrong, the next will be fine. Instead of denying your situation, start by thanking you and draw what you plan to get more. Dare! It just depends on you.

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