Monday, August 6, 2012

Juvenile Offenders in the Southern Cone Lima

Youth Crime in our Society

Why every day our society grows in crime is something that most sociologists and experts to explain it by saying it is for lack of opportunity.

It says that if a person has no employment opportunities, economic development, then you are at risk of embracing crime as form of power uan through it to reach what you need.

So we must all do not have to eat, a decent place to live, work, people who are one step away from crime.

But there is something to be taken into account. It's not just the lack of opportunities that pushes a young population to look at the crime a way out of its economic problems.

We also have the wide range of opportunities offered by the gangsters and thugs to our young professionals to convince them to join the offense.

So we have that the drug microcomercializadores, offer them to pass, they sell for commissions, if they bring customers. So anyone who has a friend who works and earns, does whatever, that's friend to try drugs and so emviciarlo buy drugs and then make all weekend.

So do pimps, living from beautiful women and stupid to give them a supposed protection, to exercise the meretricious.


Thousands of girls are convinced with drinks, disco every weekend, if they accept prostitution with friends of the pimp.

The easiest to convince are those who live in the South and North Cones Lima.Aunque also those living in districts elegant. That is, women are captured by mafia, to accept $ 100 to have sex with strangers, etc..

The problem then is not just lack of opportunity, but rather that there are mobsters who recruit these people to enter an underworld of human misery, vice and crime in exchange for money ill come.

Social exclusion can be understood as the psychosocial situation in which a person is caught under the inadequate resources, weak or total lack of social status and total or partial exclusion of minimal life forms close to those of model prevalent in the community.

So many young people have to become juvenile delinquents: asolapadas prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics outrageous apitucados thieves, robbers, pimps, drug dealers, drug ferrymen, and so on.

That's the lifestyle of young people from poor districts, Misia, the Southern Cone.

In districts such as Groove, Pueblo Libre, La Molina, 90 percent of young men and women go to college.

But in districts such as San Juan de Miraflores, Villa Maria, in 10 young, just go to college 2.

The difference in training and education is obvious and it shows, by way of behaving.

Southern Cone youth most are vague, idle not working, living and family to have children.

Picking fights for no reason, like to insult those who do not join their lives are lived and miserias.No economic means, no income of their own, believe that the best solution to the economic problams is to find a home girl who has noble material , own, so pregnant and have a safe place to live.

Most girls think you should get yourself a old, to keep it, have a child of an older man to get money for the child.

The Juvenile Offenders Peruano.Descripcion.

As a juvenile Peruvian?

Most descriptive studies of criminal careers point to a number of individual and biographical characterize juvenile and lead to the conclusion that the juvenile is a person with a large set of impairments, and one of them is that commit crimes. Such factors may include, without limitation, the following:


With a desire for prominence.

School failure.

Drug user.

Low self-esteem.

Dysfunctional family.

Lower class.

Lack of affection.


No social skills.

Little emotional balance.



So are the juvenile delinquents in Lima and Peru.

They may wear American clothes, appear to be of good family, the carrot-colored painted girls or blonde hair, but basically people are nothing but vulgar, common, poor, self-conscious, violent, hate the combat system and committing crimes ... "

Juvenile Offenders Attitude Peruano.

People who try to fool the rest with a supposed social position is not because the majority of our offenders have this in common:

- Drug addiction

- Living in a district tramp

- Dress up gringo (a)

- Drinking cheap liquor

- Insulting and assaulting the elderly

- Be mis

- Resort to prostitution to buy clothes, maintain the home (the girls)

- Resort to stealing their neighbors (to get money for the weekend)

- Seduce older men to rob them (the girls)

- Hate the studies do not go to college-age still do

- Having children at age 15

- Living off of parents, family,

- No work at all ...

Psychological Analysis of Juvenile Offenders.

Given its peculiar traits of personality or psychosocial nature, Professor Herrera Herrera identifies three typological categories of juvenile offenders:

1 .- A first category of young offenders would be defined by features of pathological abnormality, mainly:

Minor psychopathic criminals: here the reference point is the existence of some form of psychopathy, as understood by the pathology HARE integrated together, the inability of the sufferer to feel or express sympathy or some kind of human warmth to our neighbors, under which it is used and manipulated for the benefit of self-interest, and the ability to manifest with false sincerity in order to make their victims believe they are innocent or that he is deeply sorry, and all to continue manipulating and lying.

Result is that the child is unable to adapt to their context and act as such, because the personality disorder sufferer, prevents inhibited for conduct or behavior contrary to the rules.

The child psychopath tends to commit antisocial acts according to the nuclear orientation of psychopathy itself, noteworthy in this respect acts that express coldness and cruelty by the subject.

Juvenile offenders neuroses neurosis is a serious psychic disturbance occurred in nature and is manifested in behavior disorders, which can be very diverse origin and failures, frustrations, abandonment or loss of loved dearly beloved, and so on.

Criminology, the neurotic tries to do away with the situation of distress suffered by committing crimes in order to get a punishment that allows freedom from guilt that weighs on him, and this is also true for the least neurotic, although they are much less than adults.

Juvenile offenders subliminal self-reference of reality: this includes children who, by the confluence of psicobilógicas predispositions come to mix fantasy and play in a way so intense that they begin to live outside of reality. It is precisely this anomalous state which may lead them to commit antisocial acts.

2 .- A second category consists of young people with non-pathological features of abnormality, and which would enter:

Juvenile offenders with antisocial personality disorder: the case of minors whose main are hyperactivity, excitability, lack of guilt, guilt with animals and people, school failure, and are little or no communication.

A major cause of this disorder is the absence or distorted figure of the mother, but has not underestimated the dysfunctional parental role, since according to some studies, growing up fatherless child brings harmful consequences that affect the field of crime.

In many cases these children living on the street, in a situation of permanent abandonment, because we find children who, at his age, severe accumulated frustrations, resentment and anger against society, and that have one common denominator: indifference, lack of understanding and affection, as well as care and parental care.

In short, are young with a deflected primary socialization which ends up driven into crime.

Juvenile offenders flight reaction: In this case it is usually children who have suffered domestic abuse and therefore leave it. Are less psychologically weak, and instead of responding to aggression, choose the flight without deadlines, and often without direction.

That distance makes them conducive to recruitment by leaders of organized crime, which they choose to perform simple actions but high risk as the transport of drugs in his body.

Crimes committed by juvenile offenders over Peru

As regards the type of crimes committed, the data offered by the year 2000 are as follows (28):



14-15 years

16-17 years












Against sexual freedom





Robbery with violence or intimidation




















Subtraction inside vehicles





Theft of vehicles





Other crimes against property





Drug trafficking





Other crimes





Crimes according to the age

As regards the multirreincidencia, the study by RECHEA ALBEROLA and FERN? Ndez MOLINA, offers the following results regarding the criminal history of individuals and by age group

Number of crimes committed

12-13 years. N (%)

AÑOS.N 14-15 (%)

16-17 years. N (%)


588 (93)

1.290 (91,8)

941 (84,9)


27 (4,2)

72 (5,1)

96 (8,6)


14 (2,1)

38 (2,7)

55 (4,9)


4 (0,7)

3 (0,3)

11 (1,1)

11 to 15



4 (0,4)

16 or more


1 (0,1)

1 (0,1)





ConclusionesCreemos that the best solution to the problems of juvenile delinquency is the massification of education, job creation for young people, improving the economy nacional.La truly free education, university, easy access, without entrance examinations, serious a great opportunity to absorb the millions of young people to feel discouraged aulas.Muchos lack of access to universidad.El day that households have access to all basic services in the country, water, electricity, urban sanitation, tracks sidewalks, noble material houses, food, our society gradually began to change.

Bartolomé Gutiérrez, R.: Female Juvenile Delinquency: an approach to the reality in Spain through self-report. In "Applied Criminology II", CGPJ, Madrid, 1999.

Corcoy Bidasolo, M.; Ruidiaz Garcia, C. (Ed.): Problems in complex societies criminology. Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, ​​2000.

David, P.R.: Juvenile Criminal Sociology. Depalma, Buenos Aires, 1979.

Elzo Imaz, J.: Youth in crisis. Aspects of youth violence. Violence and drugs. In "Applied Criminology II", CGPJ, Madrid, 1999.

Genovés Garrido, V., Montoro González, L. (Ed.): The rehabilitation of the juvenile. Successful programs. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1992.

Genovés Garrido, V., Redondo Illescas, S.: Handbook of applied criminology. Legal Pub Cuyo, Mendoza, 1997.

Gonzalez? Alvarez, D.: Juvenile Crime and public safety. In Journal of the Association of Criminal Sciences in Costa Rica Number 13, 1997,

Herrero Herrero, C.: Criminology (general and special part). Dykinson, Madrid, 1997.

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