Monday, August 6, 2012

The forked tongue of politicians

At the beginning of the campaign, Perez Rubalcaba has described as "political impropriety" the partisan use of police reports by the PP. For his part, Manuel Chaves, made a panther, has dismissed as "slanderous, libelous and liar" an opposition MP who was wanted by tickling Mercasevilla murky affair.

Understand, then, why forbid my children to see political information from television, is simply that they are decent people. And politicians, according to the most commonly used reproach against his colleagues, must not be: well, Carmen Chacón recently reiterated that "it is indecent," the reaction of the PP after the ruling on Bildu.

Besides viciously insult the other activities they enjoy most practitioners of public affairs is to take each other to court, thus collapsing with partisan quarrels and delays, therefore, the administration of justice to the poor ordinary citizens. That, even though they know that their demands will not get anywhere, as in the recent acquittal of Socialist spokesman? Angel Luna.

Prepare, then, for the usual series of expletives, insults, taunts, insults, invectives, ... own election campaign. Politicians are always in season, of course, but when it becomes official increases both the size of decibels insults as they are issued.

The truth is that the election campaign candidates are caught well trained. Not long ago, a person so restrained in appearance as John Cotino argued that the deputy Monica Oltra "may not know your father," to apologize immediately for this barbarism. Of course, the representative of Commitment has not been an angel, in fact, wearing a T-shirt calling for the search and arrest of Francisco Camps.

Most shocking of all is that with a staff like this we still offend the verbal incontinence of Jose Mourinho, that specializes in individual boxes out of their staff.

And is that good education is rapidly losing favor. The other day, the American billionaire Donald Trump womanizer hinted that he might aspire to the White House. And, as proof that it is ready to be dispatched by calling "stupid" all the country's politicians and thus made the same species which had reviled.

The Spanish political class has not, however, that fine old dialectic, when Manuel Azana said that "silliness is the most widely cultivated plant." To help policy makers better now to discredit their rivals, the academic Pancracio Celdran recently published The Big Book of insults, making fun doing it that way So can ridicule others with more property.

The truth is that the time is far finer than a hair stylist in outrage as Alfonso Guerra was able to disqualify Adolfo Suárez calling him "the Mississippi gambler" or maliciously to their fellow defined Tierno Galvan as "a snake with cataracts."

You see, not only in the absence of an overview of State and the lack of concrete proposals to the problems of today is evidence of the declining quality of our current political class, but also in the impoverishment of insult. What a paradox.

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