Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Attire At Work

Clothing is important when dealing with others. Ramos integers in business dress codes have developed more or less rigid. In the fields conservative striped tie is mandatory, while small businesses may seem too old-fashioned creative. It is said that when the light comes on at a party of architects is dark - the typical clothing in this profession is black. It is very important to dress well in the professional field. A good guide may be the treatment of the subject of dress in the company - but someone at work starts often do not have access to this information. Therefore it is good to have a couple of tips.

At least in the job interview should normally wear a suit and tie - even if you never use the tie at work. This shows, at least, the person who may be your employer that you take the interview seriously. Obviously there can be exceptions. A youth educator or social worker no one used to work on projects in problem areas if you wear a suit.

If you have a job with a lot of contact with clients, dress is a bit more formal than at the office. With a suit, in this case can not go wrong almost never. Be careful not to use colorful and garish ties, if you want to appear professional manner.

If you run a company or division of a project, formalized dress code again. In this case you are a role model for his colleagues, and they are watching to see how to dress themselves. Again, here goes: Costume - striped tie.

Although it sounds paradoxical: The more you climb, you can dress more freely. Because the higher you are in the hierarchy, unless you deal with other new employees that focus on you. His colleagues established the average levels of management know how to dress.

But if a company director, his last contact with a customer was ten years ago and communicate with employees only through his secretary: Do not work right in gown with silk scarf - unless billionaire.

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