Thursday, August 9, 2012

The discrediting of Our Leaders

The dramatic economic crisis is not only destroying jobs at a rapid pace, but that is sweeping away the prestige of many political leaders, unable to straighten the course of their shattered economies. In Great Britain, and is given by Gordon Brown amortized and is forecast the next arrival at 10 Downing Street Tory David Cameron. Leaders also see a drop once seemed untouchable popularity: Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Silvio Berlusconi ... All of them, however, win the election again as even more awful is the spectacle of their respective oppositions. French socialism, without ideas, enthusiasm and expectations, is still split between supporters of the inane Martine Aubry and Ségolène Royale the bewildering. Worse is the case of Italy, despite their clownish president and announced indescribable spectacle of divorce from his wife, Veronica Lario. A left torn and kainite, and petty opportunist, has ended with the honest Walter Veltroni, his last hope.

You see: there is no confidence in the ruling right, but less so in the expectant left opposition. And is that European public opinion to blame for the crisis is not the capitalist system, but so are the people and methods of those who have taken advantage of it. The inexpensive alternative that communism is not an evil history behind them, as they try to convince Cayo Lara, Magda Sanz and other followers of the failed national dictatorships of Eastern Europe. Here, today, where you are going worse are infinitely better than at the peak of the old regime. If something does not believe, then, the Europeans, is in our politicians. This seems to be valid for any of the Spanish regions, including Valencia, with daily wear of its president, Paco Camps, on account of the suits of the Whiskers. What is, however, that continues to win overwhelmingly? The prospect of socialist Jorge Alart in power, with the preaching old reductionist and his party, musty smell of camphor, produces more fear among voters that hope. How, moreover, that Rodriguez Zapatero, with a world record of job destruction, burning seems to escape this pervasive?

Perhaps, I venture, for the dense system of patronage of union leaders and nationalist politicians, who need to maintain a grim status quo, and also distrust opposition whose leaders do not deserve more credit than they enjoy little who mistakenly assume of being governed.

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