Thursday, August 9, 2012

In Neruda patriotism

Patriotic love Neruda.

Usually when people mention the word Romanticism, always associated with hearts, cupids archers, roses, chocolates, etc. It is imperative that you know that Romanticism was a cultural and political movement originated in Germany and the United Kingdom in the late eighteenth century as a revolutionary reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and Classicism. And he had two aspects: the patriotic and sentimental. In our previous article we study the sentimental. Today we have the patriotic, whose main feature highlights the exaltation of the country, the patriotic pride. Revolutions of Independence, heroic deeds of heroes who shed their blood for their country, civil war, ideas and culture, comes to love the homeland where we were born.

Pablo Neruda, who always appreciated the history for being the conscience of the people, said: "I am no stranger to him, come from him, I am part of the people belong to a family of workers? Latin song in the poem says: "Before the wig and the jacket were rivers, arterial rivers, were the mountains, whose wave worn the condor or the snow seemed motionless and the humidity was thick, thunder yet unnamed , the planetary pampas.?

In the infamous traitors to the fatherland general says in his song: "They declared themselves patriots. In the clubs were decorated and writing the story. Parliaments were filled with pomp, then the land distributed, the law, the best streets, the air, the University, the shoes. His extraordinary state initiative was erected in this way, the rigid imposture. We discussed, as always, with solemnity and banquets, first in agricultural circles, with soldiers and lawyers. And finally led Congress the supreme law, the famous, respected, Funnel Law untouchable. Was approved. For the rich good food. Trash for the poor. The money for the rich. For the poor work. For the wealthy the big house. The slums for the poor. The charter for the great thief. The jail stealing bread. Paris, Paris for gentlemen. The poor of the mine, to the desert. Mr. Rodriguez in the Croton spoke in the Senate and elegant mellifluous voice. "This law, order, hierarchy establishes compulsory and especially the principles of Christianity. It was as necessary as water. Only the Communists, who came from hell, as we know, this code can discuss Funnel, wise and severe.

But this opposition Asian coming of the sub-man, restrain is simple: to jail all the concentration camp and leaving only the distinguished gentlemen and kind yanaconas Radical Party?. Cheers broke aristocratic banks: what eloquence, what spirit, what philosopher, what a light! He ran each to fill their pockets at your business, grabbing one another cheating milk in the wire, another stealing sugar and all patriotic voices calling, with a monopoly of patriotism, the Act also consulted Funnel.?

In these verses, Ricardo Eliezer Neftali Reyes Basoalto (Neruda) explores the pain of political and social injustice, rather than a diatribe governments is a double knife cut in the same wound. When social structures are rotten, the bases lying on the ground, and the farce and hypocrisy are evident, time and space themselves become a little unsettling, to be made sorrow: "Tell me, time, and partial sphere resonandoen your sweet, not perhaps the deaf hear moaning? "The Canto general must be assessed on its vast integrity, over five hundred pages of small print in the first edition: it would be a misunderstanding antologizar their" beauties "leaving the low-voltage chips poetic trivial insults and forgotten characters and as some look at the history, often superficial, and sometimes even opposed to any optical Left: all part of the meaning of the work unit.

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