Thursday, August 9, 2012

Andres Morales, from the waist Chilean Holistic

ANDREW MORALES, from the waist Chilean holistic

Mr. MIGUEL FAJARDO KOREA National Education Award Mauro Fernández, COSTA RICA, 2008 Chilean poetry has always interested me, for that reason, over the years, I had the happy opportunity to read dozens of authors and contact cultural writers of that nationality, namely Alberto Baeza Flores-prologue of my book "Urgent search?, in 1981 - as well as Jaime Quezada, with whom I shared in Bogota, Javier Sepulveda, Teresa Ruz Hugo Montes, Jaime Serey, Matthias Rafid, Alfonso Larrahona, Miriam Bustos Arratia, Juan Lucio Duran, Enrique Margery Pena and Ana Montrosis. Poetry is the soul salvation of the world for human beings. A comprehensive exercise to win the universe in each poem thrown into the world of spirit. In that sense, we read each poet must leave a mark, a shudder. In this context , to meet the high poetry Milohnic Andrés Morales (Santiago de Chile, 1962) has been invaluable and rewarding enjoyment. Andres Morales holds a degree in Literature. Doctor of Philosophy. Directs Literary Workshop "Codices? at the University of Chile. He has published seventeen books of poetry from 1982 to date, namely: Of strange islands, fire soliloquy, Lazarus always crying, No chance, Exercise ie, Word, Vice Beauty, Vision of the oracle, Breaking the eyes, Art of War, the collapse of the West Scenes, Requiem, Personal Anthology, Collected Poems, Memory dead, Demon of nowhere, The songs of the Sibyl.

Also, as rigorous and cultural broadcaster, has published ten books, both anthologies and literary criticism: Collection of poems by Vicente Huidobro, A corner of the world. Displays current Latin American poetry. Croatian contemporary poetry, Anguitología, Spain gathered: poetry anthology of the Spanish Civil War, Altazor handwritten, Anthology of poetry and prose of Miguel Arteche, word and deed, essays, fertile provinces, shows contemporary Chilean poetry, The shadow of poems, essays. His poetry is translated into 8 languages, including in 45 in 75 anthologies and magazines, both Chilean and foreign. His creative work has been honored with awards: Spring, Miguel Hernandez, San Felipe, Pablo Neruda, Cultural Center of Spain and International Award "La Porte des Poètes?, Paris. He has received grants: Pablo Neruda, Hispanic foreign Fondart, Fundación Andes and the National Council for Culture in Chile is currently a senior fellow at the University of Chile and Universidad Finis Terrae. He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Language, where he presented his speech and was incorporated in October 2008, historically, the Chilean academic younger. Greater knowledge of his poetry had been through their electronic publications. Now, I have three books: "Lazarus always crying?," Demon of nothing? and "Songs of the Sibyl?.

In his poetry, Morales expressed a devotion to the figure theocentric "The God who made man and this world?, Ie there is a focus of faith, complete belief. However, it raises a claim within" The god that protects me tired?. But in an unbelieving world, it is essential the mast of hope in a God rehumanized, from our own analysis, therefore, that figure abounds with scriptural property in this map. In space, the speaker chides "Never, dumb penalties by ash: / the cliff headlong into guilt bitter?. In these lines displayed a dichotomy between the ash and guilt. Among the unfinished, finished and symbolic of the ash, inherent in the ideological schemes.

However, the speaker is aware that fear is an inseparable part of the land task, therefore, wants to break out of his voice complaints "beam me free from the fear of submitting?. And, again, arises the beam with its symbolism destructive element, which carries a high share semantics "I am home from the sun that I see?," My country has never had geography?. Sets, on the other hand, triadic behavior "so drowning behind the words / and see blindness?. Against this background, the word is strengthened because it is salvation, not drown, because it has the ability to see, even in blindness. The word is an unstoppable power. The poetry of Andrew Morales delved into the mysteries of the words themselves, in their glare and from there it spreads its own semantic and semiotic fields, to go discover this is to be read, left to listen "hunger is the word?, the law of every day?. In the poetry of Chilean author anthology is constructions: "The key to the cell / is the oversight? or "memory tied like a beast bites?. It's kind of a constant directivity Bisemo, where" the only truth is that which denies us?. That would involve a duplication of pictures actantial as lyrical subject and predicate, for it "did not want history (...) to rewrite it in defeat?.

That spirit is a resounding groove in the strangeness of all "nothing, not air, or a poem: / We were all going directly to slaughter?. In my view, the end of this verse is a kind of system collects. The missile range is semantic. A kind of struggle is intrinsic to the word. Perhaps we save the word. It's possible. The word is the word. It is always necessary, because as a sentence Sophocles "Say one word will say it all?. In my most recent book of poems I have included the following section of Andrew: "It is not the end of anything. / Only the shame of those who do not shut up?. It is my attachment with his extraordinary poetic quality and the best of condition humanist and visionary art. The eerie picture of a world at war since its very existence is a topic of great expressive depth that honestly faces Milohnic Morales' eyes, these eyes are always tired / of seeing and not seeing so much horror?. The planet reaches the hyperbolic figure of 14,000 wars, where the desolation, cannibalism and death have been expressions of denial of human quality. Not to mention all the genocides and human barbarity that beset us every day, "the little death that night sky?.

Or in this other text, "I dwell in the exile of the tear: / My signs are hidden, ruthless?. In another verse the lyrical first argues "it is better to be silent / dreaming of the stones / of a sea and an island?, Where the elements of liquidity becomes a semiotic vector that equates with the sea of ​​tears, however, is a "silent dreaming of their stones?, where conversion gains in depth lyrical aesthetic. The author incorporates Chilean sea lyrical subject in several of his poems. "The sea is treacherous: the sea is another break. / Best abandoned, abandoned entirely?. Gregorio Marañón expressed a truth, "who does not know the sea is something of an orphan?. Before the sea deepens our smallness, enlarged the universe, nature is imposing grandeur inauthentic fall silent of humanity, the product of useless paraphernalia, advertising over to an empty life. Neatness Andres Morales lyrical depth allows you to make poetry "Contains the sea in the shade of your lips / and the boundary stone of your eyes?. The nominal sequence of elements, well chosen, threaded a poetic tissue of high artistic quality, whose merit lies in the expression levels of suggestion, where "many times we were not talking?.

"I dream of that voice. / In this sea I ride?. Logocentrism, then, falls short, often, to the deepest human telluric conditions, rooted. "Hung, / always gagged / screaming by now: / not tomorrow?. The speaker builds a inanimate figures where that quality is humanized and gives an exegesis of mystery "The door opens between the walls (...) / will not see the end of long wait?. It is one of its essential stylistic features , which gives to his poetry, to great advantage, a delicacy constructive because "the man who eats doves (...) / guessed the secret of secret hate?. The level of suggestion and plasticity in the images is one of the successes in his lyrical world "the night guess who does not return to God?. In other areas, incorporates fleeting as a shield to the transit by land "which is just a gesture of silence, / a light flash, a strange dream?. This space is focused on becoming, as a way of listening in the indices hidden "from a journey of no return / unlocking the water on the long journey?. Start and end meetings and misunderstandings. For us, the journey is an expanse of water, like a dream asleep in the waves of fire.

The speaker discusses his presence in the house of the global village of which we form part. Appeals, in the depths, to a holistic nudity "The world is one where it is better to miss nude / whole and his fingers were opening sentence / Horror on the scaffold?. Again, the poetic inspiration of Morales gains in intensity and delicacy, while, as it has been holding in his lyrical speech, the importance and validity of the word, as a spiritual weapon "in the murmur insomniac, / you've crossed the sky with your word alone?. "Everything collapsed on top of your dreams / night that does not hurt, water does not drown, / the stone reminds you in your future uncertain / someone falls constantly, everywhere?. The ideological approach of these images in the poetry of Andres Morales establishes an attitude of solidarity and center. Someone thus nonspecific, because it can be anyone, somewhere on the planet falls. The fall affects us all, because the gossip is in the best attitudes encyst human life at every moment . The fall is undoubtedly the crowning of "a world without beauty, without singing, without morning?. We do not imagine the world without poetry, without the universe-logo that enables faith and hope for better stadiums. A Nevertheless "the sun sets, the moon, the sea plunges over?. However, before this man gargantuan box calls, even if" Only a blind gesture / or mute your eyes?.

In another section it reads "Thrive Business / slaves and laugh (...) Everything else sinks shot?. In the lyrical world of Andres Morales approaches is a picture of solidarity against the loner who are "whole desert me, / me cracks, bleeds me / by a single voice?. And says Levine, incompleteness as being in the speaker appeals to these routes of uncertainty, but does so with wisdom, aware that your plane journey on earth is a finite, where we receive only overtaking signals, therefore, "Dream in that voice. / In this sea I ride?, Or "the air I breathe and do not know where / just died?. Start-end, life and death. The two as the possibility of who I am or who I want to be. One of the most impressive dualities of life. In short, the universe is wide Andres Morales Milohnic theme registry and approaches woven knots of meaning inherent in the essential human condition. Not so, the poet Santiago stops showing a sharp couplet "a clown in his orders the world fingers / disguises the circus, the country is naked?. The varied list of phrases containing a speech that opens, ready for all compositions and rearrangements of a world of insanity, but his voice and talent, surrounded by a thin beauty with all the elements to see through the eye of the abyss, removing blindness sea bites the sun himself.

Nothing more.

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