Monday, July 23, 2012

How Do You Practice good oral hygiene?

What is meant by good oral hygiene?

Good oral hygiene in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. This means that:

Your teeth are clean and no debris present alimentosLas gums pink and do not hurt or bleed while brushing or flossing dentalEl bad breath is not a constant problem

If your gums hurt or bleed while brushing or flossing, or you are experiencing persistent bad breath, see your dentist. Any of these infections indicate a problem.

Your dentist or hygienist will help to develop good oral hygiene techniques and teach you to identify areas that require extra attention during brushing and flossing.

How to practice good oral hygiene?

One of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums is to maintain good oral hygiene. Healthy teeth not only give you a good look at him and make him feel good, but let you talk and eat properly. Good oral health is important for your overall wellbeing.

Daily preventive care, including proper brushing and flossing, avoid later problems, and are less painful and less expensive than treatment for an infection that has been allowed to progress.

In between regular visits to the dentist, there are simple steps that each of us can take to reduce significantly the development of tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems:

Brushing thoroughly and floss at least twice a díaIngiera a balanced diet and limiting snacks between comidasUtilice fluoride dental products, including cream dentalUse fluoride mouthrinses indicaAsegúrese if your dentist that your children under 12 drink water fluoridated or if you live in an area with fluoridated water, administer fluoride supplements.

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